Editing & Overdubs

The editing process is where musicality and technology intersect. This process tends to span the entire life of the project. Sometimes editing a part right as it is recorded is the best way to hear its full potential, while sometimes it makes sense to focus on the edits later.

Overdubs are usually the second step of the production process. This is where everyone involved in the process, including outside musicians, collaborators, hired guns and creative people lay new tracks and new ideas, perfect arrangements and finalize parts.


Most overdubs happen one instrument or performer at a time. So all the energy of that performance can focused on. Overdubs are usually when guitar solos, lead vocals, backup vocals and percussion get recorded. But not always, and most of the time, we think of new sounds that get recorded too!

We employ the top of the line technology and tools, along with our vast experience across many styles of music to make the performances on each song as compelling and brilliant as they can be. It can take time, but the result at the end of the process speaks for itself. 

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